Therapy For Kids & Teens

I offer virtual therapy services for children ages 10 and up. Therapy for kids & teens is not only about addressing problems; it’s also about building resilience, improving self-awareness, and empowering young people to manage life’s inevitable ups and downs.

Whether the goal is to improve the parent/child relationship or to address specific issues like depression or anxiety, therapy can provide valuable tools for emotional and mental well-being. During therapy sessions, we will address issues such as:

Family Issues and Communication Breakdown

  • Conflict with parents or guardians: Adolescents often experience friction with authority figures as they seek more independence or struggle with differing expectations. Therapy can help mediate these conflicts.

  • Divorce or family changes: Significant family transitions, like a parent’s divorce or a change in living arrangements, can create a lot of emotional distress for teens.

  • Lack of understanding or support at home: Teens may feel misunderstood or unsupported by their families, and therapy can provide a space to express those feelings and develop better communication strategies.

Emotional Overwhelm and Uncertainty

  • Feelings of sadness, anxiety, or irritability: Teens often experience emotional turbulence. They may struggle to understand or regulate their emotions, leading to periods of feeling "down" or overwhelmed.

  • Difficulty managing stress: Between school, relationships, extracurricular activities, and family dynamics, teens can experience chronic stress that becomes hard to manage alone.

  • Lack of self-esteem or confidence: Adolescence is a time of self-discovery, and teens might feel lost, confused, or unworthy, leading to a poor self-image.

Social Pressure and Peer Struggles

  • Bullying or social exclusion: Whether it’s in-person or online, bullying can cause significant emotional pain, leading to feelings of loneliness, isolation, or even depression.

  • Peer pressure: Teens may face intense pressure to fit in or make choices (e.g., substance use, risky behaviors) that they’re not comfortable with.

  • Struggles with relationships: Navigating friendships, romantic relationships, or conflicts with peers can be difficult, and therapy can provide tools for building healthier connections.

Identity Development and Life Transitions

  • Confusion about identity: Adolescence is a critical period for forming a sense of identity. Teens may struggle with their sexual identity, gender identity, cultural identity, or their place in the world, leading to confusion or internal conflict.

  • Pressure to “figure it all out”: Many teens face overwhelming pressure to make life decisions (career, college, relationships) at an age when they may not feel ready.

  • Loss of childhood or innocence: Growing up can feel like a loss of the simplicity and comfort of childhood. It can feel scary to grow up.

Substance Use or Risky Behaviors

  • Substance abuse: Experimentation with drugs or alcohol can sometimes escalate into dependency or problematic use. Therapy can help address the underlying causes of these behaviors, such as emotional distress or peer pressure.

  • Engaging in risky behavior: Teens may engage in risky behaviors (unsafe sex, reckless driving, etc.) as a way to cope with their emotions or fit in. Therapy can address the root causes of these behaviors and help them make healthier choices.

Trauma and Grief

  • Experiencing trauma: Some teens have experienced trauma, whether it's physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, which can manifest as anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Therapy helps them process and heal from these experiences.

  • Loss of a loved one: Grief, whether from the death of a family member or friend, or even the end of a close relationship, can be a major source of pain for teens. Therapy can offer a space to grieve healthily.